

作者:Hans Geelmuyden 2020-05-22 16:37:23

Because of COVID-19 the Scandinavian borders are closed, and we miss all the Chinese tourists coming to Scandinavia. In this newsletter, we’ve put together nice pictures for you to watch. Hope to see you all in 2021!


According to Ctrip, China’s number 1 travel booking agency, the number of Chinese tourists who booked trips to Nordic countries through its website soared by 82 pct in 2018. As a tourist group, Chinese tourists are quite popular as they spend  generously, and spread smiles and good spirits everywhere. Scandinavians really miss our Chinese friends.

Even though you will not be able to travel to any of the Scandinavian countries, we have listed our top three favorites, so you can get inspired for your trip in 2021:





Trolltunga. Photo: Unsplash.com

1.      Trolltunga. 恶魔之舌

The picture above show Trolltunga, a famous mountain in western part of Norway, a tourist attraction that thousands of Chinese tourists visit every year. Trolltunga is a rock jutting into space 700 metres above Ringedalsvatnet lake! The hike through high-mountain terrain up to Trolltunga is long and demanding, but you are rewarded with magnificent views





Northern lights. Photo: Unsplash.com

2.     Northern lights北极光

Another popular tourist attraction is to experience the Northern lights, which can be seen in northern parts of Norway and Sweden. The northern lights are visible between September/October and March when the sky is clear. Beautiful!

另一个受欢迎的旅游景点是体验北极光,在挪威和瑞典的北部都可以看到北极光。天气好时,在9月/ 10月至3月之间可以看到北极光。无与伦比的美丽!


3.       Copenhagen 哥本哈根

Our third recommendation is to experience Copenhagen, the capitol of Denmark. Copenhagen is the place to go in order to experience top notch gastronomical experiences and to shop the latest Nordic fashion pieces.


GK Group has worked with and asssited several of the top tourist related companies in Sweden, Denmark and Norway – helping them communicate strategically. We have assisted Scandic - one of the biggest hotel chains in Scandinavia, the Bergen Aquarium, Visit Bergen, Capitol Region Denmark, and several others. They all miss the international tourists, and look forward to 2021!

捷恺集团 (GK Group) 已与瑞典,丹麦和挪威的多家顶尖旅游相关企业合作,并且帮助他们进行战略性的行销传播。至今,我们已为斯堪迪克酒店连锁集团 (Scandic Hotel Group)–北欧最大的连锁酒店之一,挪威卑尔根水族馆,挪威卑尔根旅游局,丹麦国会大厦地区,以及其他酒店作出了协助。他们都想念来自各国的游客,并期待着2021年游客们的回归!

We hope this got you inspired and excited about planning your next trip to one of the Scandinavian countries. In meanwhile you can check out this movie from the Chinese group TFBoys which was filmed in western Norway!



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Hans Geelmuyden

CEO,  GK Group

捷恺集团 首席执行官

Web: www.gknordic.cn


Geelmuyden Kiese Group is the largest communications agency in Scandinavia. We offer all communications related services in-house, and we are among Europe’s most award-winning agencies in international competitions.

GK Group know Scandinavia, and have offices in Stockholm (Sweden), Copenhagen (Denmark) and Oslo (Norway). Keep in mind that, combined, Scandinavia constitutes the world’s 15th largest economy, larger than that of nations like Mexico, Turkey and Indonesia.

捷恺集团是斯堪的纳维亚半岛 (北欧)最大的通讯机构。我们提供所有内部通信相关的服务,我们也是欧洲在国际比赛中获奖最多的机构之一。捷恺集团熟悉北欧概况,并在斯德哥尔摩(瑞典)、哥本哈根(丹麦)和奥斯陆(挪威)设有办事处。请记住,北欧是世界第15大经济体,超过了墨西哥、土耳其和印度尼西亚等国家。