
PRSA主席安东尼·丹吉洛: 道德底线是企业制定战略决策的基础

作者:17PR 2018-08-29 09:42:38





“公关与传播专家正处于一个史无前例的机遇之中,可以帮助所服务的组织提升业务和扩大影响。 作为一种职业,我们促进了组织和它所对应的受众之间的互动,组织的成功依赖于所有参与方对于这种具有建设性的解决方案所作出的贡献。”


安东尼·丹吉洛 美国公关协会主席


从2016年开始,“金旗奖”得到了指导单位“Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management”(以下简称GA)的鼎力支持,金旗奖组委会邀请了多位来自GA的国际公关专家担任金旗奖评委,并参与“金旗奖评审专家系列访谈”。希望通过采访听到来自国际化视角对公关价值、不同地域公关发展、人才教育,以及未来趋势的思考和观点。








About PRSA


Q:As the Chair of the largest PR organization in the US, what is your understanding of PRSA? What role does it play in the PR industry in the US and the world? What is the future vision of PRSA?


A:The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) is the largest professional association of public relations professionals in the United States, with nearly 22,000 members and 11,000 student members in the Public Relations Student Society of American (PRSSA). PRSA delivers professional development content and networking as primary benefits, as well as promoting its Code of Ethics as essential guidance to the communications industry.


Serving an industry undergoing accelerating change, PRSA’s future will be one of continuous adaptation and knowledge advancement so that its members can survive and thrive in the midst of rapid globalization, digital and social disruption, and massive convergence among several communications-related disciplines. PRSA’s mission is to make communications professionals smarter, better prepared and more connected through all stages of their careers.


In my travels I often ask public relations professionals “how different is your daily work today from what it was five years ago?” The answer has been, unanimously, “totally different.” I predict that in the next five years the rate of change will be even greater than in the last five, so we should all prepare for a journey that will be both exciting and challenging.





右:金旗奖组委会主席 银小冬女士




Personal Experience and Industrial Thinking


Q:You are a remarkable PR mentor and an irreplaceable leader, you must have your unique, extensive insight for this industry. Would you share your ideas about how PR and communication are valued in promoting business development and social progress? Please kindly illustrate your opinion by giving 1 or 2 examples.


A:Public relations and communications professionals have a great opportunity to help the organizations they serve promote business development and social progress. As a profession, we enable organizations to engage with the public they serve and on which their success depends so that all parties can contribute to constructive solutions. This takes strategic insight and capability, and considerable skill in communications methods.


Several years ago I participated in the PR Coalition Private Sector Summit on Public Diplomacy, held in Washington, D.C., at the U.S. State Department and the White House. It was held to discuss and strategize the role of business in public diplomacy, and to enhance diplomatic ties among nations through cooperative business connections. This sort of outreach would be impossible without skillful, strategic communicators, and I came away inspired by the power of our profession to enhance international dialogue, and simultaneously promote business development and peaceful relationships.


A powerful example of promoting social progress can be seen in a campaign honored with the PR Pro of the Year Award at PRSA’s Silver Anvil Awards this year. This award, which is presented to an individual or team, went to Procter & Gamble/My Black is Beautiful (MBIB) and the EGAMI Group for their campaign “The Talk—Creating a National Movement to End ‘The Talk’ and Racial Bias.” The Silver Anvil award recognized the campaign for driving meaningful conversations about the unique biases people of African ancestry face. The organizations insightfully applied research findings and developed inspiring creative execution to enlighten people about one of the most significant social issues of our time.





Q:Do you think that the moral bottom line of the public relations industry has repeatedly be compromised with the advancement of technology? Essential value for PR is Influence, create breaking news to attract more attention is nothing wrong. From your perspective, how to define the moral bottom line of PR industry? How to promote self-discipline? What is your opinions about these issues?


A:The moral bottom line for PRSA is embodied in our Code of Ethics, which serves our industry in the U.S. as the foundation for thoughtful, informed decision-making in our professional lives. PRSA’s Board of Ethics and Professional Standards studies and refines the Code of Ethics, periodically issuing Ethical Standards Advisories to provide helpful instruction and counsel.


Digital and social technologies make complying with a code of ethics, be it PRSA’s or another organization’s, increasingly challenging due to accelerating time pressure and increasingly contentious discourse in today’s fast-moving, 24/7 world. However, the radical transparency enabled by technology also encourages or even requires organizations to think carefully about their ethical foundations in actions they take or communications they issue because almost everything can become public knowledge instantly. Ultimately, organizational reputations are built on behaviors, not words, and all organizations will become known for what they repeatedly do.




About“Golden Flag Awards”


Q:About Golden Flag Awards, the most recognized and credited PR awards in China, what are your suggestions for its globalization in the future? Could you say something to our candidates?


A:I am honored to be able to attend the Golden Flag Awards to see what I can learn from them and the professional excellence they represent, and I would invite your organization to attend our Silver Anvil Awards in the U.S. as well. Both China and the U.S. are superpowers in an increasingly globalized environment for businesses and other organizations, and I think the professional communicators in each nation can play an essential role in establishing meaningful dialogue between us. We can share best practices, learn from each other and come to understand each better, and I would like to share what I learn at the Golden Flag Awards with my colleagues in the U.S. The late Patrick Jackson, a legendary figure in the U.S. PR industry, said that “relationships are the basic currency of public relations,” and I’m excited that we have an opportunity to build a strong and enduring relationship!












服务于不断加速变革的行业,美国公关协会的未来必将持续地接受知识的进步,借此其会员才能在快速发展的全球化浪潮 、数字与社交混乱、许多与宣传相关规则的大规模融合的环境中生存、发展、壮大。PRSA的使命就是让传播专家们更专业、准备更充分、在他们的职业生涯的各个阶段有着更加广阔的人脉。










A:公关与传播专家正处于一个史无前例的机遇之中,可以帮助所服务的组织提升业务和扩大影响。 作为一种职业,我们促进了组织和它所对应的受众之间的互动,组织的成功依赖于所有参与方对于这种具有建设性的解决方案所作出的贡献。




今年,一个获得了PRSA银砧奖年度公关专家奖的项目可以作为一个有力的证明了“公共关系推动商业繁荣社会进步”的例子。该奖项旨在奖励个人或团队,颁发给了宝洁公司的 My Black is Beautiful(MBIB)项目中EGAMI集团的公关活动“对话 - 开展结束‘对话’与种族偏见的全国运动”。银砧奖认为这个项目推动了关于拥有非洲血统的人民,面临独特偏见之际的深刻对话。此组织深刻地运用了调研成果并开展了激动人心的创意执行,劝导民众关注我们这个时代中最显著的社会问题之一。














A:我很荣幸能够参加金旗奖并且借此相互学习并进行专业交流,我也邀请你们17PR参加我们在美国举办的银砧奖。现在美国和中国在不断增长的全球化氛围中都是超级大国,我认为各个国家的传播专家们可以在双方之间建立极具意义的沟通中扮演一个不可或缺的角色。我们可以共享最好的实践经验,相互学习,加深理解,我也很高兴能够将我在金旗奖的活动中所见所想分享给我在美国的同事。正如美国公关行业中的传奇人物Patrick Jackson所言:“关系是公共关系的基本元素”,我很高兴能够有机会与17PR建立一个稳固持久的合作关系。
































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